Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 59: Surprised by the Inch

Well... this past week had an interesting surprise! Take a look:

Days remaining: 162
Pounds remaining: 142.5
Inches lost/gained: -4.0
Pounds lost/gained: +1.5
Percentage weight lost: +0.99%

Basically, I wasn't able to exercise last week because I became fairly ill on Monday and Tuesday, leading me to make the call and not exercise the rest of the week. It seemed my body was telling me I was doing just a bit too much.

With the gain of 1.5 pounds, I was initially discouraged... that is, until I compared my body measurements with last week's results. Another four inches has fallen away from my frame and I could not be happier (even though I'm still trying to reconcile the fact that inches lost even though pounds are gained is a good thing).

This week, I seem to be struggling more with diet choices and exercise regimen... I sense a re-dedication of effort on the horizon for me!


trinadette said...

Hang in there girl! It always helps me if I remember that I want results next week too. :) When the yummy, evil food is tempting me and trying to jump in my mouth using my hands as a trampoline... I can say nope I like your weight in the cabinet and not on me! :) love ya! Praying for you!

uncle joe said...

you can come down and visit us, and then you won't have to watch petes and mikey as much... :P :P

so, now that you have you're google account back, we get some blog updates, right? :P :P