Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 884: One Year from Now

Hello. My name is Ruth Cooper and I am overweight... again. It has been 261 days since my last post because I could not bring myself to admit the level of backslide and defeat which has taken place. It was easier to not update my weight-loss LillyTicker, showing 27 pounds away from my goal weight. It was simpler to leave older, thinner photos on my Facebook wall instead of updating with current images. It was preferable to stay at home, rather than have you see the work I've undone.

In Hebrews, we are reminded we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses and Mark reminds us nothing is done in secret which shall not be seen in the light. I started this blog 883 days ago as a form of accountability and a way to embody a small percentage of the cloud of witnesses I know are watching.

This blog has been re-activated.

I am not perfect, nor do I pretend to be here... but something needs to change. I don't have the answers; I don't even have a plan at this point. Over the past 14 months, I have slid almost to the foot of the weight-loss mountain I worked so hard to climb. The peak was in sight, I had 27 "steps" to go and I quit... completely and without struggle.

As of today, I have re-gained 75 pounds of the 119 I lost. True, I'm still in far better shape than I was last time I weighed this much - more active and still involved in running - and I didn't gain it ALL back. There were plenty of warning signs and turn-around points on my slide to today, so there really can be no excuses.

This blog has (apparently) inspired others during it's heyday, so I'm hoping to be inspired by my readers yet again. Having done this before, I know what kind of work needs to be done and how hard it was. I simply don't want to.

Feel free to be as bluntly honest with me as I am here on this blog.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day and it stabbed to the heart...

One year from now, you'll wish you'd started today


Annette said...

Ruth, your struggles are "common to man" just as my struggles with not being incredibly self centered and self setving are. But we can overcome! We are more than conqerers in Christ! I am proud of you for taking this step! Let me know how I can be of help.

Annette said...

Ruth, your struggles are "common to man" just as my struggles with not being incredibly self centered and self setving are. But we can overcome! We are more than conqerers in Christ! I am proud of you for taking this step! Let me know how I can be of help.

Janelle said...

If there is one thing I am certain of it is that the human spirit cannot be taken from us. No matter what we struggle through it is this spirit that allows us to backslide and then rise again to each challenge we are faced with. You are a source of inspiration to me whether i can effectively communicate that to you or not is true. Love You!!

pandjalexander said...

Ruth lady! You can do this! You have already inspired me so much and you continue to do so. It is your brutal honesty that inspired me to actually tell my husband my weight...and my weight when I was at my heaviest...right before I had Audrey. I was not proud of it, but it was a huge relief to not have any secrets...and now my hubby knows the importance of the journey we are both on to become healthier. What a fun thing to be able to celebrate each pound lost. I look forward to continuing to celebrate with you...and maybe even work out together! Let's do coffee or something soon...let's do this!! :) you have some catching up to do ;) ready, set, go!

Gabrielle Ryan said...

So glad you're back!! You're such an inspiration to me!

Jodi Guerra said...

Ruth, go for it! You have inspired me! I started running because I knew you and Susan run. I am not sure if I am losing any weight or not (I loath scales! LOL), but I feel so much better.

You are a conqueror in Him!

beach mama said...

Ruth, I found your youtube video somehow from the Marine Corps Marathon. I am running it for my first full this year. Then I watched the Wineglass marathon and I cried both times. xoxo
Then I googled you and found your blog.
You are inspiring and amazing. You are a marathoner. I have also struggled with weight and am doing my 3rd sprint tri in a few weeks. I am putting you into my reader....I look forward to hear more from you!! :) YOU CAN DO THIS. Just one foot in front of the other.
If you need some extra motivation, please google SWIM BIKE MOM. She is in GA and as a heavy girl she did a HALF IRONMAN!! If she can't inspire, no one can. Best of luck to you!!