Well... here's the status report for the past week:
Days remaining: 201
Pounds remaining: 145.5
Inches lost/gained: +0.50 inches
Pounds lost/gained: +3.25 pounds
I guess the holiday goodies finally caught up with me! Though I'm still trying to reconcile how one beautiful little biscotti could possibly contain 170 calories!! And there's just NO way that sweet little lemon-cranberry mini loaf could have anywhere near 537 calories!!
Perhaps I shall blame the pizza and Pepsi Jason and I had last night to celebrate his new job (he's been laid off for two months)!! When I took measurements this morning, almost every single measuring point had gained +0.25 inches AND I had gained +0.5 pounds!! Why do I feel so much smaller and have this happen? Very discouraging, I can tell you.
Oh, well. I did get to the gym three times in the past week and have been drinking much more water than usual. Soda is almost non-existent in the house and I've done better about picking better drinks if I must have a caloried drink.
The going is slow... too slow. Need to kick it up a notch (or two).
new low
8 years ago
Just discovered your blog. Reading it brought tears to my eyes because I can so relate to what you are feeling. I am at a place where I can not loose weight because I am pregnant again (don't get me wrong, I am really excited about the pregnancy). My goal for this pregnancy is to just keep from gaining weight and to turn fat into muscle, through walking and exercise. I just wanted to tell you that I will be praying for you! I will pray for God's strength to withstand the temptation of food and to continue exercising. If you need encouragement or to just talk to someone, please give me a call! I am here cheering you on, my friend. Oh and we need to get together soon! I really want to catch up with you and meet that sweet little wee one! *hugs*
Keep it up, my loverly. I know I'm spoiled, but at least I can clearly see that you're doing a great job in both documenting your struggle as well as truly taking the small steps which will result in your goal!
Boy, oh boy, Ruth - can I relate! I just read your 1/4 entry, and this one. Remember how your grandma used to talk about the Holy Spirit's School of Hard Knocks? Something like, "the lessons will keep being repeated until the lesson is learned." Well, I'm praising Him for that this morning...and for this online journal of yours. I can't tell you how ENCOURAGING this is for me. Your honesty is compelling. When you accomplish this goal, you're going to be doubly rewarded by having chronicled the ups and downs of it so truthfully. You need to be seriously published!
My prayer this morning was, "Lord, teach me to do my duty." Not just today, but every day, whether I feel like it or not. Thanks, Ruth :)
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